Community groups, companies and charitable organizations are working together to provide relief to families and small businesses struggling to get by because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Pittsylvania County, Virginia, the Rotary Club of Chatham and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area are spearheading relief services. The Rotary Club teamed with Pittsylvania County Public Schools to fund meal deliveries to families of students in need, while the Boys & Girls Clubs staffed and maintained food supplies at drive-through pick-up areas.
In North Carolina, the Reidsville Chamber of Commerce launched a Buy One, Give One Community Relief Program. The Chamber sold gift cards to local businesses and raised $15,000 in matching funds – provided by the Reidsville Charitable Foundation and MVP Southgate – to support local charitable organizations, including the Salvation Army of Rockingham County.
The Salvation Army of Rockingham County operates food pantries in Reidsville and Eden, and provides clothing, rent/utility relief and food to those in need.
In Alamance County, North Carolina, county officials designated the United Way of Alamance County as the Emergency Operations Center Feeding Coordinator. The organization also coordinated and distributed more than $150,000 in donated funds to Alamance County nonprofits, churches and other charitable organizations for relief services that helped more than 10,000 people per month. They also just completed a Spirit of Alamance Food Drive that raised over 3,200 shelf-stable items for local food pantries.
Mountain Valley and the companies leading the Southgate joint venture are committed to being good partners and supporting these community efforts.