MVP Southgate, NC DEQ working collaboratively

As part of the MVP Southgate’s regulatory review, the project team applied to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) for a state water quality certification permit. This application includes extensive details about the project’s proposed crossing of creeks, streams and rivers along the 48-mile route in North Carolina, as well as other…

FAQs on MVP Southgate

Opponents of the MVP Southgate project have been busy spreading misinformation about this important proposed infrastructure line. Here are some of the most common questions circulating about the project, along with the facts about what’s really going on. Question: Is the MVP Southgate project being built to export gas overseas? Fact: The MVP Southgate project…

FERC: MVP Southgate impacts would be ‘limited’

Construction and operation of the proposed MVP Southgate project would have limited impacts that could be reduced to less than significant levels, according to a Draft Environmental Impact Statement recently issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The 421-page report evaluates the project and its potential impacts based off of various sources, including scientific literature, regulatory…